Fine gifts made with Reused, Repurposed and Renewable resources




I collect reused, reclaimed and renewable wood whenever possible. Firewood piles, estate sales, flooring installers, cabinet makers and countertop fabricators are just a few great places to find wood that can be salvaged rather than live out its life in a garbage hill. The whole process is not the same with store bought wood, but there are times when I need to purchase wood. I do my due diligence when purchasing wood to make sure the source is certified as sustainable.  

A Few of My Current Offerings

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Wall Art

KVAL or Kishwaukee Valley Art League is a local, not for profit, art organization that I belong to.  Being a member has helped me gain the courage to move forward with the Reuse Workshop and a brick and mortar location to sell my works.  Here is a link to the KVAL Introduction video on their website, if anybody is interested.  If you happen to use Amazon, I would ask that you consider supporting KVAL through the, no cost, Amazon Smile program.

4 People reacted on this

  1. Thanks for stopping by today, Don! It was great chatting with you and learning about your workshop! ~Justin

    1. Thanks Justin. I enjoyed as well. I am looking forward to chatting more about environmentally friendly resource options.

  2. Don, I saw a few of your pieces at KVAL and wanted to see more. Your portfolio is amazing! Truly beautiful work. Sarah

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